Monday, June 14, 2010

A Little About Jen

I am Jen, mother to ABC, who are 2.5 years old.  I have always been fat and have always tried to lose the weight.  I was losing weight and doing great until I moved to GA.  When I started dating my husband I fell into what Shannon called Happy Fat. I had no easy access to a gym and no friends to workout with.  My husband is NO help and never has been.  So, I gained and went up a jean size.  In 2006 (a year after I was married) I had 2 miscarriages back-to-back.  And I continued to eat my depression away.  Went through 5 months of fertility treatments and ate from stress and hormones (those drugs are HORRIBLE).  I continued to try to lose weight during those 5 months, but I just maintained.  Then I got pregnant with ABC.  I was told not to workout and to take it easy.  By my 20th week of pregnancy I was on full-blown bedrest, only allowed up to use the bathroom and shower.  I gained about 70lbs during the pregnancy (was told to gain 60lb-70lb).  And I admit, I ate for four!  I was at my heaviest on the day I delivered ABC.  They were in the NICU for 38 days, some of which I lived at the Ronald McDonald House across the street from the hospital.  Then they came home and I don't really remember much of their first year.  I struggled to make it out of bed everyday and to keep 3 infants fed and changed.  I have been struggling to get the "baby weight" off every since! 

I need motivators and friends to keep me going.  I get bored very easily and can get thrown off of the workout track easily.  Getting the kids up and out of the house just to walk alone never seemed worth it.  I was on their schedule, waking up with them around 8am.  They don't nap too well anymore, so I can't sneak in the basement to use the treadmill and in all honestly, I don't want to spend my only free time on the damn treadmill.  By the time my husband got home from work I was too tried to do anything and all the wanted to do was sit on the couch.  So, I sat with him.

Until last week when I started walking with Shannon, Hayley and Haley (and now Rebecca).  And it has been GREAT.  I am so grateful for them letting me join their walking group.  Even though it takes ALL I got to get up at 6am and get ABC & myself out the door on time to walk, it is worth it.   I enjoy the friendship as much as I do the working out!  I actually look forward to my mornings now!

My mini-goal is to lose the "baby weight", even though I was told by my Dr that my babies are TOO old to be calling it "baby weight"  :-)  So, far I have lost 12lbs, leaving me with 32lbs to my mini-goal.  I am copying Shannon's goal of wanting to job 5 miles by this Christmas.  I have walked many 5k (for the March of Dimes), but I want to RUN.  I want to be healthy, to have more energy so I can keep up with The Trio.  I want to fit in my pre-pregnancy jeans.  I want to wear cute little summer dresses.  I want to look forward to summer and not to winter (where I can bury myself in sweatshirts & jackets).  I want to not be self-conscious ALL the time.

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